Ever been in a situation when you thought nothing is going your way?
Ever felt that the whole world is conspiring against you?
Ever been pulled low by the incidents happening to you and around you?
Essentially all the above questions are fundamentally same; and the situation in which you are in can be basically categorized as bad luck. Now, I would say that this can happen to any human being at any point of time. There was a time that my mother would say that you should pray and have faith in god, that he will set everything straight. For those who have staunch belief in god this may sound relieving. But, since I am closest to an agnostic and since such kind of people are not uncommon, the above “words of relief” does not offer any consolation to many.
First I would tell why those words does not offer any solace to me. Well, I have been reading a lot of Ayn Rand in the past 4 years. So much so that I came up with my own philosophy, which is apparently similar to hers. According to me, it’s up to each one of us to choose our own destiny. If you observe nature, there is a definite duty for every being on Earth. This duty is critically linked to its survival, and fulfilling this duty is the fairest thing one has to do. For example, for its survival a carnivore has to prey on another animal. I know I might invoke criticism if I compare humans to animals; anyway my intention was to give an example. So those who did not like it can probably get things clarified when I write my next article. For the time being, I would just say that nature considers all beings as equal and ideally I would also want to do the same.
Without wasting any more of anybody’s time I would get back to the topic at hand. I have seen a few adolescents and teenagers asking questions like “Why do they say that God will set things right?”, “Why not us?” I would say you people are thinking in the right direction. If it is something that concerns us, we have the highest responsibility to set it right. To people who come up with questions like “What would you do in a situation which is not in your control?” I would say no situation is generated as out of control. It gets out of control because you were not responsible enough at the right time, at a time when it was in your control. Once it gets out of your control, you just need to have faith in yourself and be ready to take things as they come.
For those who are caught up in a world between the agnostic and the believer, let me tell you one thing- it is alright if you do not believe in God, but it is never okay if you do not believe in yourself.
So I would say the most necessary thing that you need to come out of the abysmal situation is to have faith in yourself. You should have the confidence to make decisions, and to justify it. You should have the guts to stay responsible for your actions and its consequences. I don’t believe in classifying actions as right or wrong- it depends on perspective, and it might even change with time. Important thing is “hold-on”, be persistent till you reach your goal. You never know how close you were to success if you quit before you reach there. So go for it, be there.
For those who want more motivation, I am giving a link to the Wikisource of the poem "If"
PS: This being my first blog, I am expecting a lot of comments and criticisms.
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